September 21, 2024

The Moment Super Mario Odyssey Turned from Great to Legendary

It actually happens in a different game. One thing that is under-appreciated about the transformation mechanic in Super Mario Odyssey is how walking a mile in the enemies’ shoes recontextualizes how we see them in other games. For example, I now know why Bullet Bills have a hard time turning around to give chase in Super Mario 64.

I now know why Hammer Bros. like to hopstep and occasionally fall down pits on their own in Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3.

More than that, I now know the burning, windswept sound a Podoboo makes when cruising the lava, how it feels to effortlessly glide through the water as a Cheep-Cheep, and why Goombas fall in love.

Lastly, I now know how powerful it feels to be Bowser and break through hundreds of bricks as if they were paper.

As such, this trap is one anyone playing Bowser would fall for, through, and from.

That is, the final battle in Super Mario Bros. 3 is recontextualized from chortling at Bowser’s stupidity to feeling empathy for his nature because of Super Mario Odyssey. How many other games can do the same?